Star Trek Miniature Maker

An App for making custom characters in various Star Trek uniforms which can then be screengrabbed, printed and made into paper standees for tabletop gaming.

They should print at around 28mm miniature scale at 300dpi.

Donations have been disabled for this project. It is available free to all and should only be used for non-commercial personal use.

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(11 total ratings)
Made withUnity
Tagsmaker, miniature, paper, star, trek


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We can't wait for the next update!

Hi Wayne,

This is an absolute delight to use for my old school FASA ST:RPG solo campaign! Thanks very much for creating and sharing this with the community. 

I realize that you've probably got a list of features you'd love to add when you get time, do you think you'll get a chance to create Klingon and Romulan templates at any point? For me, that would be the absolute best!

Great work :)

Thanks, Dom.
Klingons and Romulans (both classic and TNG) are very high on the to-do list. 

That's fantastic to hear Wayne, thanks for all the work you're putting into the Mini Maker!

Just in case this website ever goes offline or is taken down, is there an offline version I could download? I'd really appreciate it.

There isn't but Itchio is pretty safe for the forseeable future, I think and it costs me nothing to host it here. So don't sweat it :)


Hi mate, we use your miniature maker for our Tokens in our Star Trek Adventures game. I tried to match your art-style to add Nemesis style Dress Uniforms. What do you think? Something you could build off of perhaps. I also started running the miniatures through an upscaler and I was getting pretty good results.

I made both types...

And here they are without the faces that you might have time to build off of them.

I love them. Nice work!
I think the Nemesis dress uniform is on my to-do list but it's a way down at the moment. 


I’ve been toying with modifying the facial expressions of the minis using assets from the OpenPeeps collection

Here is an attempt. Not perfect, but different expressions could help make each mini look like a different person. What do you think?

I love it! I've toyed with the idea of doing optional expressions in the mini maker but the faces are so tiny I wasn't convinced that it was worth it. That looks great, though.

Defiantly worth it. I would also suggest that we can give them a more heroic stance if we wanted to ass well. 

This is great! We exclusively use this mini maker in our game for years now. 

Awesome! I'd love to see your crew.

i sent you an emial

If you're open for ideas: I'd like to see the Early TNG uniforms (Season 1 and 2), The MACO and Mirror universe uniforms for Enterprise, and the alternate future uniforms from All Good Things...

Also the TNG Movie uniforms seem to glitch. You can't change the uniform color from what initially loads when you click on it.

Those are actually all on the list. Not sure how long it'll be before they are implemented, though.
Also, thanks for spotting the error. I'll look into it. It's about time I did a new update, anyway. :D

I just checked the TNG Movie uniforms and all four of the buttons (red, yellow, blue and admiral) all seem to be switching fine.
Can you try them again and take a screenshot if it still doesn't work?

It seems to go to a black version of the uniform, or bright red when I first go to them, but won't change if I click to change color.

I have to switch genders to 'Female' each time I want to change color.

Above, I went to female, switched to yellow, went back to male, and clicked on red before taking the screen cap. It's only the colors that do this, Admiral works fine on male.

Terrific feedback. Thank you.

Yes, I was just looking at the women. The male uniforms are broken as you described. Something isn't connecting. I'll have a look at it as soon as I can.
Thank you again. 

Glad I could help. :D

(3 edits)

Hi, we were using this generator to make tokens for our Star Trek Adventures game, THANK YOU SO MUCH! And one of our players wanted to play and Saurian (the lizard people) prominant in Discovery as an officer on the ship. However there was no option, so Took a bald Bajoran, and edited them into a Saurian. I'm hoping you can either take inspiration or the edit itself. I also have a Talaxian female character, and lacking Talaxian, and time I made one of those quickly and badly from a Denoblian.

Very cool! Your friend will be pleased to know that I've actually added Saurians to the next build. Hopefully I'll get it uploaded in the near future!

Hope you add Talaxian at some point :)

(3 edits)

Thanks so much for this app. I've loved it since Version 1 and keeps getting better and better.

Suggestions for feature creep/future updates:

1) More skin and hair colors, or at least more blonde and ginger hair shades and true primary and secondary color options (e.g, yellow, orange, bright red). Possibly a palette or custom color selector as an advanced option.

My current workaround is to give characters white skin and hair and modify the completed figure in another program to get the color effects I want.

2) Plain jumpsuit/boiler suit or catsuit "uniforms" in customizable colors. Possibly plain white versions of uniforms to customize as cadet, merchant marine or outpost uniforms. Jumpsuits would be useful for civilians, prisoners and TOS era technicians. Catsuits would be useful for SF Special Ops, sexy ex-Borg/Betazoid and Alien of the Week characters. Borg and Cardassian characters could based on a basic catsuit design.

The current best option is the early DIS medical uniform as a base and Photoshop editing.

3) An option to alter the default facial feature color to some color other than black. As it is facial features are barely visible when choosing a dark skin tone.

Again, the current best option is modifying features using another program.

4) More poses for the right arm, assuming you want to draw a zillion arms. Possibly unified left/right arm & hand combos holding big weapons like Phaser 3 or bat'leths.

I'm loving this a lot! It's got a lot to it and between the newer show uniforms and the gear and the list of species there's already a ton to work with. I'd come back to the old version every so often and see new stuff.

That said not sure if it's just me but there is a minor glitch where the corner of the lower decks uniform neckline clips slightly into the female jaw, but it's not terribly egregious

Thank you.

I noticed that clipping as well. I'll have to double check but I think I've fixed it for the next build.

i think this is what i meant by the 29th century.

Here's a refence photo.

Ah. I see what you mean. Yes. Late Discovery is 33rd century or thereabouts, isn't it? 
So what are these from? I tend to try to stick just to uniforms that appear on screen (and even then I struggle to keep up).

They're the uniforms from the VOY episode "Relativity":

you should add the uniforms from the 29th century uniforms and love your content!

They're already in. If you look at the bottom of the Era list, Late Discovery has them in both grey and colour versions. I do still need to add Picard season 3, though.

you should make all hair options available across genders

I do try to do male and female equivalent hairstyles when I add them. I do regret arbitrarily separating the two genders now. I know it's important for some people to blur the boundaries. Someone else suggested making the facial hair available for the female body type and that might be more doable.

Yes, that's what I was about to suggest -- "male/female" would ideally only really be a choice between "flat chest" and "convex chest."

(1 edit)

I am loving this mini maker! Can we please have a way to make Antagonist like the Borg, Q, Gorn, Klingons, Romulans, Ferengi, etc...? Also Data and Lore. I am hoping this will become the one stop shop mini maker to be able to make any character good or evil in the Star Trek Universe. Civilians would be great too. There are so many in every era that make an appearance on the shows and films. Apologies in advance for the tall order.

I'll be adding Klingons and Romulans soonish. As for the rest, I'm not sure. It's primarily intended to make Starfleet characters, but I won't say no :)

Unfortunately, I have not found any Borg paper minis front and rear. Those are what I want the most of. Onemonk is a great site for paper minis especially the WNMHGB. They have all but Borg. I appreciate that you won't say no. I want my Borg to be the same theme as your art! You do amazing work!

You can make Data using the current mini-maker, with a male figure in 24th c. Ops uniform with white skin and black hair, perhaps with a bit of editing in your favorite graphics program to get the hair and eyes exactly right.

could you add pip options for the eras?

I've never bothered with pips or wrist braids beyond a basic shape as the minis are so tiny you can't really se them anyway.

I have loved this since version 1!  Thank you for taking the time and effort to create and maintain such a fun, useful tool.

Now for the obligatory request: I know it would involve quite a bit of new art, but have you considered making environmental suits for each era?  Thanks!

They are actually on the to-do list right after Klingons and Romulans but, as you say, it's a lot of work so might be a while.

Gorgeous as ever... 

This is awesome. if there is any way I can support this with either art or some other way please let me know. 

also, could you add cardassians and civilian clothes as an option. 


Art-wise, I'm keeping it me-only, I'm afraid. My art isn't great but it is, at least consistent. :)

Romulans and Klingons are being added very soon but I think Cardassians would be a very welcome addition too. Civilian clothing gets a bit obtuse but I could add a few options, I suppose.

We appreciate your hard work. Your tokens are used exclusively in my game.